Consider Your Everyday Health Risks and Immediate Environment - Building Biology in Australia
Released on = May 14, 2006, 6:32 pm
Press Release Author = David Craker - INVENTConnect
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Ecolibria and Building Biology is the way to simply addresses a host of environmental health related problems and clearly deserves more attention to create an awareness of how the use of chemicals and other products can affect our lives.
Press Release Body = Have you ever wondered whether the buildings (home and work), in which you may spend up to 90% of your time, affect your health? Wonder what chemicals are in my environment?
Have a look at the ingredients of your packaged food, drink, toothpaste, deodorants, cleaning products, creams, cosmetics, shampoo and soaps. Then there are all the unlisted chemical ingredients and hazards to consider: your water, meat, chicken, take-away food, new building materials, furnishings, mobile phones, microwaves and stress.
Surely any potentially harmful products would not be allowed on the market?
Asbestos, many pesticides like DDT, greenhouse gases like CFC, CCA used to treat outdoor wood products (children's playgrounds) are just some of the elements that were considered harmless and then later regulated after many years of use.
There are in fact NO RECORDED TESTS on the long term health effects of the cocktail of chemicals that you are exposed to everyday. Yet the meteoric rise in the incidence of heart disease, infertility, breast cancer, asthma and allergies seem to initiate a meteoric rise in the development of drugs to address cures as opposed to prevention.
We haven't even touched on the effect that these chemicals have on our natural outdoor environment!
How much is really being done to address prevention as opposed to cure? This is what Building Biology is addressing by working in partnership with ALL health practitioners.
Having a healthy home and workplace is a simple and cheap way of practising prevention as opposed to cure. It is a well known fact that our bodies are bombarded by toxic chemicals throughout the day. Harmful emissions from new furniture, fittings, building materials and even unflued gas heaters can all be easily and naturally avoided.
Non toxic paint, filtered water, natural cleaning and personal care products, safe building materials, good building design and sustainable living habits, will all help to reap health benefits for both you and the environment. In many cases the natural alternatives are cheaper than the conventional alternatives. Electromagnetic radiation ( EMR ) or Electromagnetic Fields ( EMF ) radiate from many products we all use everyday and have potentially harmful effects and health risks. Mobile phones, microwaves and electric blankets are just some of the home hazards that can easily be remedied.
In building biology it is believed that healthy indoor environments contribute greatly to the health of the people living and working in these built environments.
This is according to Raphael Siket, the owner of a new Australian business that investigates home and work environments and then provides a range of low cost treatments and solutions. In a recent interview for a Public Interest Podcast on the topic of Building Biology, Mr Siket informed me that \"Building Biology is an environmental science that concerns itself with environmental causes of illness. In many European countries like Germany and Sweden it is common to consult with a building biologist before buying, renting or renovating a home, yet here in Australia very few people know what building biology actually is.\" The audio podcast, that relates to many of these common problems and the approach to remedy them was recorded recently between David Craker and Raphael Siket and is currently available for listening online or download at
It was the emerging awareness of the need to address these problems, discovered through his studies in Building Biology at the Australian College of Environmental Studies at Box Hill in Victoria, that Raphael decided to commence a new business called ecolibria. Mr Siket says \"ecolibria is an Australian based business that helps people to become environmentally friendly and reduce the health risks around the home and workplace. They do this by applying building biology principles.\" ecolibria is able to provide environmental assessments and reports that simply explain more startling truths about what Building Biology is and what he has been able to do in order to eliminate and reduce the impact of many health hazards that we are unknowingly exposed to everyday. Raphael raised the idea that we really need to look more closely at the effects of exposure to off gassing from products used in buildings such as the paints, glues, compressed wood products (new kitchen cupboards, bench-tops, flooring etc), wood treatments, foam cushions and mattresses as well as carpets He said \"These products are used widely and raise both long and short term health concerns, especially for infants, children and people with existing ailments. Building Biology is the way to simply addresses these and a host of other problems and clearly deserves more attention to create an awareness of how the use of these products can affect our lives. For more details about Building Biology in Australia and how you can address issues with your personal environments at home or even at your workplace, then take a good look at the ecolibria website at or contact Mr Raphael Siket at or phone +61 3 9852 0848. ###
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Contact Details = Raphael Siket +61 3 9852 0848 +61 0432 170 195 P.O. Box 644 Templestowe, 3106 Victoria Australia
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